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How To Store Weed And Keep It Fresh

Best Ways And Tips To Keep Weed Fresh

Storing your weed correctly will be the biggest life-saver because improperly stored cannabis will go bad and can also lose some of its enticing features. To avoid wasting your weed follow some of our tips to keep your cannabis at its peak quality over its shelf life.

Sadly weed can go bad and it can lose its fresh, potent and pungent qualities if not stored properly, sometimes it can even involve cases of mold forming so to avoid all of this you want to keep in mind a couple factors when storing your weed such as temperature, moisture, air, and light.

Below we will jump right in breaking down each tip on keeping your premium craft cannabis stored properly:

  • Temperature
    Generally the best temperature is anywhere between 0-20°C or in other words store your weed in a cool temperature that is not too cold or too hot. This will ensure your weed is at a good temperature to avoid molding and other contamination that occurs from heat. You will also not want to keep your weed next to electronics or other devices that produce heat.
  • Moisture
    Next thing to focus on is the moisture and humidity because you want to avoid too much moisture which can make your weed go bad but you also want to avoid too low of moisture which can dry your bud. You want to keep the humidity relatively in the middle or slightly above for best texture and balance.
  • Air
    Choosing the right storage container will help tremendously you want to make sure your weed is stored in something airtight that will limit the exposure of the weed to oxygen as it accelerates the breakdown of your weed faster. Try using airtight sealed containers such as glass jars, medicine bottles, vacuumed sealed bags etc.
  • Light
    In order to ensure your weed is safe make sure you are storing it in a dark space that keeps it away from light, and ultraviolet ray exposure which will make your weed lose potency and also give it a rather uncomfortable taste overtime. Light is the leading factor in weed going bad so you want to be careful where you place your bud and consider a dark place like a cupboard for example.

    We hope this guide gives you some tips on storing your weed safely and keeping the potency safe, at Silly Smoke our customers get to enjoy the luxury of getting their cannabis stored to perfection airtight along with 2-way Boveda humidifier technology which ensures the best storage temperature for your bud. Take a look above for our packaging and quality guarantee packaging, shop your favorite strain today.

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